8 Members of XR York Arrested at London Protests
Eight York residents so far have been arrested in London during the ongoing international climate protests organised by Extinction Rebellion (XR). Taking inspiration from grassroots movements such as the Suffragettes and Civil Rights campaigners, XR calls for mass arrest tactics, using mass non-violent civil disobedience in order to achieve its aims.
A member of the York branch of XR, Laura Cox, who was one of the arrestees, today speaks out in support of her co-rebels:
“We were fully prepared to be arrested in order to stand up and be counted on behalf of the 200 species of mammals, birds, insects and plants that become extinct every single day. We believe that if there’s anything worth getting dragged into a police van for, then it’s pressuring the government to address the climate emergency that’s causing this.”
Since 7th October a total of around 1,300 arrests have been made in the capital, with XR groups from across the country occupying 12 sites in Westminster.
Laura Cox, who was released under investigation having peacefully refused to vacate a tent at the Northern site, has now returned home. Laura added: “Considering the ecological emergency is also putting the future of humanity at risk, we want to try to help those who have acted in our best interests. So XR York is currently raising funds for legal fees should the arrestees cases go to court.”
Anyone wishing to donate to the fundraiser should search for Extinction Rebellion York on Crowd Justice or look for the group on Facebook or Twitter. To join the group, organisers can be contacted by email at xryork@gmail.com. The group is also seeking to welcome more members at their weekly meetings, held most Tuesdays at 7pm for newcomers, at Spark, 17-21 Piccadilly, York.
Editor’s Notes
Extinction Rebellion York is a regional branch of the international movement Extinction Rebellion, which uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse in the face of an unprecedented global climate and ecological emergency.
Extinction Rebellion uses non-violent direct action to persuade governments to act justly and has three demands within the UK:
- Tell the truth - The government must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change.
- Act Now - The government must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.
- Beyond Politics - The government must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate and ecological justice.
Further info
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. Read their Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C:
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is the intergovernmental body which assesses the state of biodiversity and of the ecosystem services it provides to society, in response to requests from decision makers. Read their media release on accelerating species extinction rates:
Following the declaration of a climate emergency by the City of York Council on 21st March 2019, a Demand a Future forum event, including a People’s Assembly, was held on 21st June 2019. The event was attended by over 400 people representing a broad spectrum of the York community, and at the People’s Assembly a Mandate for Change was produced. The mandate was presented to the City of York Council on 27th June by Extinction Rebellion York and sets out a vision of some of the ways in which the city can achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. Read the mandate and find further information here: